Here is a list of every field I could track data with in an individual record. In most records, many fields are left blank because the information is not known or has yet to be entered.
Name | Description | Type | Example | Notes |
Name | What I would say if somebody asked me for your full name. | Text | Stewart Johannsen | This is a required field. |
Record Number | An auto-generated unique number for the record that allows me to keep track of it better. | Autonumber | 2 | This is a required field. |
First Name | Your first name. | Text | Stewart | This is a required field. |
Middle Name | Your middle name, if you have one. | Text | Tibet | |
Last Name | Your surname. | Text | Johannsen | This is a required field. |
Nickname | A name I call you other than your first name. | Text | Stewie | In cases where you are better known by a nickname than your first name, this may be used instead of your first name in the Name field |
Pronouns | The pronouns I use to refer to you. | Multiple Select | he/him | This is a required field. If I don’t know for sure, I will guess based on what I hear others around you use. |
Prefix | A prefix that is typically applied to your name, if there is one. | Single Select | Mr. | |
Suffix | A suffix that is typically applied to your name, if you have one. | Single Select | Jr. | |
Old System Number | Your record number in my old system, if applicable. | Number | 0 | This is never used for new records, as the old system is never updated. |
Not in Old System | Checked if this record was created after the old system was decomissioned. | Checkbox | False | This is checked for all new records. |
Security Clearance | Your clearance, which determines the amount and type of information you are allowed to receive about me. | Single Select | E3 | This is a required field. |
Not D Clearance | Checked if your security clearance is not in the D Class. | Checkbox | True | This is used to allow me to bettter assess my system. |
Info Given | The things I have told you about regarding myself. | Text List | Relationships, Money, Pizza | I have many secret codes I use here to denote commonly referenced or sensitive items. |
Info Withheld | The things I have chosen not to tell you about regarding myself. | Text List | Parents, Opinions, Eating | |
Likes | The topics you enjoy. | Text List | Finances, Viola, Hats | |
Dislikes | The topics you do not enjoy. | Text List | Sand, Starbursts | |
Beneficial Conversations | The things that you enjoy talking about. | Text List | Orchestra, School, Computer | |
Destructive Conversations | The things that you do not enjoy talking about. | Text List | Politics | While I generally avoid discussing these things, I cannot always avoid them, nor is it always a good idea to avoid them. |
Added | The date you were first added to the People Record. | Date | 2/27/2017 | |
Modified | The date your record was last modified. | Date | 12/6/2018 | For the purposes of updating this field, a change only to Security Clearance does not count as modifying the record. |
Mental Disorders Confirmed | The mental disorders that I am under the impression that you have. | Text List | ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder | |
Mental Disorders Suspected | The mental disorders that I have a suspicion that you have, based on my interactions with you. | Text List | OCD | |
Religion | The religion you identify with, if any. | Text | Jewish | |
Religion Credibility | A reminder of where I derived the information in the Religion field. | Multiple Select | Assumption | This could include things like “No Religion”, “Assumption”, or “Confirmed” |
Origin | Where you were born. | Text | Stockholm, SWE | This field always ends in a three character country code. |
Drug/Alcohol Preferences | Your personal beliefs on the consumption of drugs and alcohol. | Text List | Against Weed | |
Phone Number | Your phone number. | Phone Number | (555) 555-5555 | |
Liking | How much I like you, if applicable. | Multiple Select | Friend | Options include “Friend”, “Attracted”, “Crush”, and “Love”. They are not exclusive or incremental. |
Relation | How I know you. | Text | 6th Grade English | This could be a person that introduced us, a class or organization we had in common, or a place we first met. |
Related by Family | Checked if you are a member of my family. | Checkbox | False | |
Birthday | Your date of birth. | Date | 1/1/1970 | The year is entered as 1900 if it is not known. If either the day or month are not known, the field is left blank. |
Prefers | The gender(s) you are interested in dating. | Multiple Select | Female | Options include “Male”, “Female”, and “Other”. |
Prefers Credibility | A reminder of how the information is the Prefers field was obtained. | Multiple Select | They Say, I Believe | Options include “They Say” and “I Believe”. Neither are exclusive of the other and they can be combined for specific meanings. |
Shooting-Related Sensitivity | A simple reminder of how much trauma you experienced in your life as a result of gun violence, to avoid potential triggers. | Rating (1-5) | 0 | |
Parents | A link to your parents’ records, if applicable. | Multiple Record Link | ||
Children | A link to your children’s records, if applicable. | Multiple Record Link | ||
Notes | A place where I can put any miscellaneous information I collect about you that could be useful later. | Paragraph Text | Test File | I use this to record major changes to your record, in case I need to reference the old information, or if you have helped or hurt me in a significant way, or anything else that may be useful. |
Fun Fact: the examples used in the table above are from a real test file I use in the People Record.