
I have a lot of thoughts.

Dylan Bowerman

Like most people, I have a lot of thoughts. As the world continues to evolve around me, I process the information I receive in real-time. I don’t always critically analyze this information immediately (or at all), which is why I may not have formed a decisive opinion on your favorite topic yet.

Some Reminders

If you intend to read about my opinions, there are certain things you have to be aware of.

I can change my mind.

As I learn more and come to more understanding about the things in my sphere of relevance, the thoughts and opinions I have are likely to evolve. This is not me doubling back on my word, as no opinion is a promise of any kind. It is also not an admission of being “wrong,” as I was as correct as I believed I could be with the information I had at the time. It’s called personal growth.

You’re more than welcome to hold me responsible for my words, but if you do so without acknowledging an updated viewpoint, you are likely to mislead yourself and others.

No set of words can encapsulate some thoughts.

I am not a master wordsmith, nor do I peruse a thesaurus in my free time. I may use words that do not perfectly fit the situation or may convey a feeling that does not perfectly match what is in my head. The concepts I am discussing can be incredibly complex and multi-faceted and I may occasionally be unable to explain my viewpoints in a way that is sufficient for you. I am a human, and you are required to suffer with my fallibility accordingly.

I am not infallible.

I am a human, and you are required to suffer with my fallibility accordingly.

My thoughts and opinions may have logical errors. There may be gaps. Sometimes this is an oversight, and sometimes this is a decision I made. Sometimes I will fix it with time and information, and sometimes I am content with this. I may hold a certain belief in some situations and the opposite belief in others. Such are the joys of context and nuanced thought.

Don’t expect me to cite my sources.

These are my opinions, not a research paper. While I make an effort to be informed, I do not feel it is worth my time to collect and report my sources to you. I also do not feel that I owe it to the reader to prove that I am right beyond my assertions. You will either believe me or you won’t, and I am fine with either. My goal is (usually) not to persuade you that my opinion is the only correct one. You can always try asking for sources if you’d like, or provide me with updated information.